Special Projects

Charlotte’s Web

Diorama Project


Due Date: Friday, May 7, 2010


Use a small to medium sized box (shoe boxes are perfect) to build a scene from Charlotte’s Web. We are reading the book together in class, so each student should be thinking about what his or her favorite scene in the story is. On Friday, May 1, they will bring in the diorama to present to the class.


The following must be included:

·      One scene from the book.

·      Atleast 2 characters included in the scene.

·      Summary of the scene you chose, and why it is your favorite part of the book.



You may use any type of materials to build the scene. Be creative! Here are some ideas:

·      clay

·      construction paper, cardboard

·      plastic figurines

·      scrapbook paper

·      wire

·      pictures

·      natural materials



The diorama will be graded on the following:


15 Clear depiction of the scene

25 Creativity

­­25 Written Summary

25 Presentation to the class

10 Due Date- Was it turned in on time?




Be Creative, have fun, and as always…be ambitious!